About MTM Landscape Architects - Design & Planning Consultants
Our Main Objective
MTM - Landscape Architects consultancy's main objective is to provide an efficient quality service tailored to meet the needs of the client and the specific design requirements for each project.
Other objectives include:
- providing an efficient quality service tailored to meet client needs
- meeting the specific design requirements for each project
- assessing the unique qualities and character of each site
- identifying natural and human-made opportunities and constraints dictating the design solution and concept
- designing with nature
Our Background
A background in a variety of project experience and professional training in landscape architecture and planning provides the foundation to develop appropriate design solutions and a design philosophy.
Our Design Philosophy
This consultancy’s design philosophy is to create usable and sustainable landscape spaces by considering all natural and human-made factors that dictate the opportunities and constraints of each site project. The final aim is to convey a landscape of character and identity.
Therefore, the initial stage of any design project is to understand the client’s needs and the site specific conditions (genius loci) that may impact both positively and negatively on the design objective. Identifying all contemporary and historic factors sets the design program or brief. The design solution lies in integrating and finding a harmonious balance between all the existing and proposed conditions.
Planting Composition
The design philosophy for planting composition is to create landscapes with plants that are either native and/or in character with the indigenous landscape of the area. Ecological niches or plant associations are the inspiration of the planting composition; however this does not exclude the use of exotic plant species where appropriate. |
Outdoor Architectural Features
The design philosophy for the outdoor architectural features is to select quality products both natural and/or commercially fabricated that complement the proposed landscape theme and the context in which the site is located. A design scheme should be developed to integrate with the surrounding context and respond to potential users of the proposed outdoor spaces.