headerMTM Landscape Architects

About Principal Landscape Architect

Milia Tsaoussis-Maddock


BFA-Bachelors Degree in Fine Arts with Honours (Illustration), graduate of class 1979 from Parsons School of Design
MLA-Master’s Degree in Landscape Architecture & Planning with Honours, graduate of class 1984 from the University of Pennsylvania


Three years of professional training in registered Landscape Architectural Firms to qualify for a Licence to practice Landscape Architecture. Licence obtained in New York State-1994.


Eight years as an employee in registered Landscape Architectural Firms, and Multi-disciplinary Firms of Architects, Planners and Engineers in Philadelphia and New York provided a solid base of experience in a variety of projects. Projects ranged from private residences, housing development, urban renewal schemes, and landscape restoration of historical landscapes, play-grounds and public parks.

Self-employment as a sole trader, since 1992, has provided an holistic approach to design development experience and the opportunity to work on wide range of project types, (locally, nationally and internationally) including landscape assessments (EIS), and landscape conservation assessments.


  • Art Award in Illustration: 1979, New York
  • Art Award in Mural Design-Competition: 1982, Philadelphia
  • Award of Excellence in the study of Landscape Architecture: 1984, Philadelphia
  • Award in the Cliff of Moher Architectural /Landscape Competition: 1992, Ireland
  • ALCI Merit Awards in Landscape Architecture-Residential Development: 2005 & 2008, Waterford
  • ILI Award 2012 for Residential Category

Training - Lecturing

Landscape design demands skills such as conveying concepts of design both graphically and verbally to private and public clients. Eight years lecturing landscape design to amenity horticulture students at University College Dublin (UCD), and four years, so far, at Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) to architecture students has presented an opportunity to develop this skill. Lecturing has both informed my personal journey and provided valuable insights on how to communicate ideas, information, supporting best practice and contributing to the development of skills within the profession.

Milia Tsaoussis Maddock Landscape Architect
Milia Tsaoussis Maddock Landscape Architect
Milia Tsaoussis Maddock Landscape Design

Seasonal Planting:
Softscape”- Contrast of Form, Value, Colour & Textures

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MTM - Landscape Architects, 51 Summerville Avenue, Waterford, Ireland. X91 DC1F | Phone: 353 + 051 58 4595